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Improve your English and your employability skills at the same time: 



Words unite us and can divide us.


Words can lift our spirits and 

plunge us into the depths of despair.


But words alone are not enough to achieve effective communication and effective communication is key.


How well we communicate is impacted by: 

our knowledge of words;

how we use them;

and how we interact with others.

 i.e. what we say, when we say it and how we say it.



Let me help you improve your English language skills, your use of English words, within an every day and a business context. I can help you grow your confidence, your employability skills and the effectiveness of your communication.


Together we can improve your understanding and use of English grammar and the fundamentals of language, your presentation and negotiation skills, language for marketing and sales, finance, human resources, project management, for reporting, for customer service and for all other areas related to business.

Join me to augment your ability to discuss global issues in English, to widen your vocabulary and to help you think in English about issues affecting us internationally.


As a 'multipotentialite' I bring together a corporate career in PR and communications, entrepreneurial skills achieved through owning a small business, TEFL/TESOL teaching experience gained teaching English as a Foreign Language to students from across the globe, and multicultural global travel experience gained having travelled around the world a number of times, lived in multiple countries and visited countless more.



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