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Writing and reporting for business


English for/with  Employability skills 
English for/with  Professional    skills 
Teaching English as a Foreign Language
Anchor 1
Communications strategy and planning
Campaign design
Copy editing and proof reading

English for/with Employability skills covering (See Business English):

  • Communication

  • Teamwork

  • Analytical skills and problem solving

  • Initiative and enterprise

  • Planning and organising

  • Self-management / self-motivation

  • Learning

  • Technology

  • Ability to Work Under Pressure

  • Decision Making

  • Time Management

  • Conflict Resolution

  • Management and Leadership

  • Adaptability


English for/with professional skills (See Business English):

  • Presentation Skills

  • Negotiation

  • Networking

  • Marketing and PR

  • Sales

  • Customer Service

  • Finance

  • Human Resources

  • Project/Programme Management


General English and English for life:


Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate, Advanced courses for individual and small groups


Business English:


Business English and English for specific situations offered at Intermediate and advanced levels


Exam Preparation:


CAE preparation offered at intermediate and advanced levels.Extra lessons available to improve writing skills for the business environment.


Writing for business:


Academic writing and business writing is different.  This course provides the learner with the knowledge and skills to write concisely and effectively for the business environment. It covers writing style and function for writing eg: reports, email, reviews, tenders, articles, marketing literature.  


Presentation training:


Public speaking and presentation delivery training for individuals and small groups, covers content development, audience attention grabbing, and effective message delivery.


Communications strategy and planning:


Identification of how communications can best support the achievement of the organisation's business objectives and the development of a communications approach that will ensure the right messages are delivered to the right audiences, at the right time, to achieve the right results.  The starting point is always to clearly understand what the business ultimately wants to achieve, what it wants the end results to be, then to work out what this means in terms of communications, ie to look at the who, what, why, where, when and how. Then to test your deductions with a 'so what'.



Target audience group identification and development of messages. Once an audience or multiple audience groups have been identified the organisation must work out what it wants to say to each group. The 'what it wants to say' are its key messages. Messages can be themes, news, content or opinion.  They create impact and change behaviours. 


Campaign design:


Next comes the how. How to deliver those messages to the target audiences. ie which communications channels which reach what audience and have most positive impact.  These channels could be online, hard copy, broadcast or face to face. Or a combination of channels.


When looking at the implementation across delivery channels it is important to consider resource availability and requirements and build within the plan some growth flexibility.


The aim is to match company messages with target audience and communications channels and do it in a coordinated manner so that messages are consistent and delivery is thorough. 


This can be a simple or an incredibly complex undertaking and can require the production of a multi channel, multi audience, multi message implementation plan or it could be as simple as the organisation of an event, a speaking opportunity, the writing of an article or social media outreach or even the arrangement of media interviews.


Copy editing and Proof reading:


Academic articles, dissertations and reports, marketing materials, business information, checked for errors and amended for fluency and effectiveness. See partner agency ...........



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