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Social Media Messaging

Social Media doesn’t have to be complex, yet so many small businesses are flummoxed when it come to it. I ran a training session yesterday for a local entrepreneur all about the delights of applications like Hootsuite and how with about an hour work a week anyone can schedule messages to go out daily to a number of your chosen media outlets (free). I'm not saying only do an hour a week but if that is all you have, it is better to get the right messages out there, than nothing at all.

But there is a very big BUT here. And that but is all about those messages. ie, the ‘what to say to those audiences’. And that really is the important thing here.

The outlets/social media platforms are just another distribution channel, but what you say is what defines you. We can go into the mechanics of making sure the right people are looking at your social media, and all that, but if what you are saying is daft, off messages or is not applicable to the audience and doesn’t sell you or position you as you need to be positioned then your social media effort is wasted, or even worse, it actually damages your perception in the market place. Our message to you is, get your messaging right, and if you are unsure how to, then ask me and I can help.

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