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Language frustrations - The 'whats the point' Customer Service call

I have just had the most frustrating customer service call that I have ever experienced. I needed some help regarding my mailbox management so I called my supplier and was routed to their customer service centre in the Philippines. A very polite lady with good spoken English assisted me. However, her English, whilst good, was not effective and left me pained with frustration. It took her 20-30 words to tell me something where four or five words would have been enough. The language she used to request that I press the icon at the top left of my screen consisted of about seven slowly delivered sentences. All very measured and all essentially saying the same thing, in long form. This style continued throughout the call. After 30 minutes my frustration level hit maximum. How I had managed to last that long I just do not know. I asked to speak to a UK based customer service representative and it took another seven sentences for her to accept this. It wasn't that she could not speak English, as her English was good. It was the ineffective use of the words, the repetition, the slow monotone delivery and the the fact she did not seem to listen to the answers I gave so kept asking the same question in different ways, then repeating the wrong information. The call was, from my perspective, a waste of time and I have been left feeling frustrated and reluctant to call them again. Plus my issue remains unsolved.

The language lesson here is that good grammar and sentence construction is important, but so is listening, effective delivery and efficient use of words.

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